Small business owners affected by Superstorm Sandy will have their chance to sound off on their immediate needs.

As part of a package of initiatives aimed at helping small businesses recover, Governor Christie announced the implementation of the Small Business Impact Assessment. The survey will be given to small business owners to help with getting them back up and running, as well as formulating a larger scale recovery program.
The Governor announced the assessment while speaking in Sea Bright on Friday, noting he doesn?t want to sit around and wait for business to come to his office, volunteers and local chambers of commerce will be reaching out via internet, phone, and in person visits to collect the data.
?They?ll be going from business to business asking, ?What do you need to get your business back up and running??? explained Christie.
The survey, created in partnership with statewide business groups, the New Jersey Business and Industry Association (NJBIA), the State Chamber of Commerce, Commerce and Industry Association of NJ (CIANJ) and National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) will help inform the Administration and industry leaders about the most pressing needs of those small businesses affected by Hurricane Sandy.
The initiative is part of a slew of programs the state is launching, including 26 million in grants to employ individuals for Sandy cleanup, helping business owners take advantage in 54 million in small business loans, and the launching of the Business Action Centers to act as a one stop shop for questions and assistance.
?Including financial support, information on temporary space, and technical assistance for businesses who lost their computer systems,? said the Governor.
Christie said even with all of the initiatives they have, the process will be slow and admitted mistakes will likely be made.
?We?re going to make sure we try and get it right the first time, if we don?t you can be sure we?ll get it right the second time.?
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