Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to Achieve Abundant Living

What is abundant living? It is a well balanced life filled with happiness, health and prosperity. It is a life that sees you enjoying the company of loved ones in a stable environment and enjoying personal and professional success. It is a life where you are resilient even in the face of adversity. It is not about life being perfect, but being able to live it to the fullest, enjoying the fruits of your labor, and being the best person you can be.

You only have one life to live so why not strive to make it a happy and abundant one? Here are five suggestions you can follow:

1. Accept that you deserve to enjoy abundant living. It is odd that there are still people who think they are not worthy of abundance. They feel guilty about every little bit of success they enjoy because ?it just doesn?t feel right? when so many others can hardly make both ends meet. Because success makes them feel guilty, they start declining opportunities that come their way. You must remember that you won?t be doing yourself or the poor a favor by becoming poor yourself. Instead, go for a positive mindset that appreciates and works for abundance, so when you become prosperous, then you can help others and spread abundance wherever you go.

2. Detach yourself from the mistakes and hurts of the past. To help you gain a positive mindset, you must learn to forgive yourself and others and let go of the past. You can?t attract good things in your life for abundant living if you keep dwelling on negative things. Remove all traces of grudges from your system. It?s one of the most effective ways of healing yourself and healing broken relationships. Leave the past to the past; you must look into the future with a clean heart, clear mind and a light conscience. You will find yourself lighter, happier and more capable of dealing with challenges when you have less emotional baggage.

3. Learn to share. The universe rewards generous people. The more you give back to those in need, the more you are rewarded, maybe not right away, but eventually you will reap the benefits of having a kind and generous heart. You don?t have to give money, but you can share your time with people like those bedridden in hospices and children in orphanages. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, teach a class for free, or offer to counsel troubled kids. There are so any ways to be generous and make others happy. Being extremely selfish will not attract you any good vibes, opportunities and everything associated with abundant living.

4. Believe that you have control over your destiny. Wealth, happiness, good health and all great things associated with abundant living can be yours if you believe you have power over your destiny. If you possess that positive mindset, you will have the courage to pursue whatever you want. Too many have this concept that we can never really be in control of our destiny and just let Fate decide for them. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You always have a choice on how to live your life and where you want to go. Listen to what your heart tells you and pursue your passion.

5. ?Make peace? with money. Some of us have rocky relationships with money. It?s ridiculous how some people see money as the root cause of their misery, when the fact of the matter is, money is just an inanimate object and a tool. How you use that tool can either lead to your success or downfall, and it all boils down to discipline. When you get your paycheck, do you spend it all or save some of it for a rainy day? If it?s the former, how about you start setting aside a fixed percentage each month to contribute towards your abundant living goal? Instead of working for money; make money work for you!

All of us deserve to live an abundant life. No one is meant to be poor, needy or lacking. We were put on this earth to enjoy life, and we can achieve that by utilizing our talents, appreciating ourselves and others, focusing on the good things that come our way and enthusiastically seeking opportunities. Your positive mindset can be your best tool to help you obtain what you want, so think positive, act positive and BE positive!

The gift of abundant living can be yours with hard work, a positive mindset and a strong set of principles. Learn more how you can reach your goals and inspire others to do the same!


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